
Ambassies and Diplomatic missions in Germany




Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


Kronbergerstr. 5 (Ecke Taunusstr.)

14193 Berlin


Telefon: +49 (0) 30 20 67 35 0

Fax: +49 (0) 30 20 67 35 17

Email: info@botschaft-afghanistan.de

Mo.-Tue.: 9:30 - 13:30



Consulate  General in Bonn

53125 Bonn

Tel: +49 228 251 927

Fax: +49 228 255 310

E-mail: afgconsulate_bonn@yahoo.com

website: http://afghanconsulate-bonn.com



Consulate  General in Munich

Nördliche Münchner Straße 12

82031 München

Phone: +49 89 121 994 444

Fax: +49 89 121 994 445

Email: info@afghanconsulate-munich.com


Office hours: Mo. - Tue. 09.00 - 12.30





Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Berlin

Friedrichstr. 231

10969 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 259 304-51

Fax +49 30 259 318 90

Email: konsullata.berlin@mfa.gov.al

Office hours:  Mo. - Fr. 09:00 - 17:00


Consulate in Essen

Rellinghauserstraße 22

45279 Essen

Phone +49 201 75 99 85 27

Fax +49 201 75 99 85 29

E-Mail: info@honkonsulat-albanien-nrw.de

Office hours:  Mo. - Fr. 10.00 - 13.00 Uhr






Algerian Embassy

Görschstraße 45-46

13187 Berlin (Pankow)

Phone: +49  30 43 737 - 0

Fax: +49 30 48098716

Office hours:  Mo. - Fr. 10.00 - 13.00 Uhr


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Friedrich-Ebert Anlage 32,

60325 Frankfurt am Main.

Tel: (+49)-(0) 69 7060 950

Fax: (+49)-(0) 69 70 6095111

Email: Info@konsulat-algerien.de

Website: www.konsulat-algerien.de

Office hours:   Mo.-Fr. 9:00 – 14:00




Principality of Andorra


Embassy ot the Principality of Andorra

Rue de la Montagne 10 

B-1000 Brussels

Phone: +32 25 13 28 06

Fax: +32 25 13 07 41

Mo. and Tue. 09.00 - 17.30  and Fr. 08.00 - 15.00






Embassy of the Republic of Angola

Wallstr. 58

10179 Berlin, Deutschland

Phone: +49 30 24089755/20 

Email: botschaft@botschaftangola.de

Website: http://www.botschaftangola.de



Consulate General in Frankfurt

Lyonerstr. 34

60528 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 6605378-0

Fax:+49 69 6605378-10

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 bis 13.30

Email:                infosec@generalkonsulat-angola.de                          


Website: http://generalkonsulat-angola.de




Republic of Argentina


Kleiststraße 23-26

10787 Berlin


Phone: +49 30 22 66 89 30 / 24

Fax:  +49 30 22 91 40 0

Email: consulado_ealem@mrecic.gov.ar

Website: http://www.ealem.mrecic.gov.ar

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 17.00 Uhr


Consulate in Bonn

Rober Koch Str. 104

53127 Bonn

Tel.: +49  228   24 96 28 8 / 38 4

Fax: +49  228   24 96 287

Emergency: +49 178 328 7276




Consulate General in Frankfurt

Eschersheimer Landstrasse 19-21

60322 Frankfurt am Main


Tel.: +49 69   97 20 03 0

Fax: +49 69   17 54 19


email: cfran@mrecic.gov.ar

Emergency: +49 172 690 7204


Consulate of the Republic of Argentina in Hamburg

Mönckebergstr. 22

20095 Hamburg


Tel.: +49  40   44 18 46 0

Fax: +49  40   41 05 10 3

Emergency: +49 172 400 5388








Embassy of the Republic of Armenia

4 Nussbaumallee, 14050,

Berlin, Germany

Phone.: +49 30 40509110

Fax: +49 30 40509125

E-mail: armgermanyembassy@mfa.am

Website: http://www.germany.mfa.am/en/

Office hours:  Monday, Thursday: 10:00-13:00 Tuesday: 10:00-13:00 and  14:30-17:00





Australian Embassy 

Wallstraße 76-79

10179 Berlin

Email: consular.berlin@dfat.gov.au

Website: http://www.germany.embassy.gov.au

Office hours: Mon-Thu 8.30-17.00hrs, Fri 8.30-16.15


Australian Consulate General 
in Frankfurt

Main Tower, 28th Floor

Neue Mainzer Str. 52-58

60311 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49-69-90558-0


Website: http://www.germany.embassy.gov.au

Office hours: Mon-Thu 9.00-16.30hrs, Fri 9.00-16.00



Kingdom of Bahrain


Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain

Klingelhöferstr. 7

10785 Berlin

Phone: +49 30-86 87 77 77

Fax :+49 30-86 87 77 88

E-mail: konsulat@bahrain-embassy.de

Website: http://www.bahrain-embassy.de





Ambassy of Bolivia

Wichmannstraße 6

10787 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 263 91 50

Fax: +49 30 263 915 15

Email: embajada.bolivia@berlin.de

Website: http://www.bolivia.de

Office hours: Mo. – Thrs.:09.00 - 17.00 and 13.30 – 17.00; Fr. 09.00 – 14.00







Bosnia and Herzegovina


Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ibsenstraße 14

10439 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 814 712 33

Fax: +49 30 814 712 31

Email: mail@botschaftbh.de

Website: http://www.botschaftbh.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 – 13.00






Embassy of Brazil

Wallstrasse 57

10179 – Berlin

Phone : +49 30-7262-8200 und +49 30-72628-0

Fax: +49 30-7262-8320/21

E-Mail: brasemb.berlim@itamaraty.gov.br

Website: http://berlim.itamaraty.gov.br


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Hansaallee 32

60322 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69  920 74 20

Fax: +49 69 920 742 30


Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 – 13.00, Tue 14.00 - 16.00




Republik of Bulgaria


Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria

Mauerstrasse 11

10117 Berlin

Phone: +30 20 64 89 35

+30 20 64 89 36

Fax: +30 2 08 61 24
Office hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri,

9:00 - 12.00; Wed, 14.00 - 16:00 h

Е-mail: Embassy.Berlin@mfa.bg


Consulate of the Republic of Bulgaria in Frankfurt

Eckenheimer Landstr. 101

60318 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 509 278 13 10

Fax: +49 69 509 278 13 2

Office hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-12:00 

Е-mail: Consulate.Frankfurt@mfa.bg

People’s Republic China


Embassy of the People’s Republic China

Brückenstraße 10

10179 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 27588

Fax: +49 30 27588 520

Office hours: Mo.- Fr. 9.00 - 12.00

Website: http://www.china-botschaft.de


Consulate  in Hamburg

Elbchaussee 268

22605 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40-8227 6013

Fax: +49 40-8226 231


Consulate in Munich

Romanstr. 107

80639 München

Phone: +49 89-1730 1612/8

Fax: 089-1709 4506


Consulate in Frankfurt

Stresemannallee 19-23

60596 Frankfurt a.M.

Tel.: 069-75085534

Fax:+49 69-75085510




Republic of Croatia


Embassy of the Republic of Croatia

Ahornstraße 4 

D-10787 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 21 91 55 14 

Fax: +49 30 23 62 89 65 

Embassy: berlin@mvep.hr

Website: http://de.mfa.hr/de

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-13:00; Tue: also 16:00-18:00



Consulate General in Düsseldorf


40213 Düsseldorf

Tel.: +49 211 33 68 062 

Fax: +49 211 99 45 359 

E-Mail: gkrhdus@mvp.hr

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 08:30-12:30; Tue and Thrs: also 14:00-16:00



Consulate General in Frankfurt

Am Weingarten 25, 60487 Frankfurt am Main 

Tel.: +49 69 70 71 005 

Fax: +49 69 70 71 011 

E-Mail: crocons.frankfurt@mvep.hr

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:30; Tue and Thrs: also 14:30-16:30


Consulate General in Hamburg

Hermannstraße 16

20095 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 311 317; 31 73 933

Fax: +49 4031 13 18

E-Mail: hamburg@mvep.hr

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:00


Consulate General in Munich

Oberföhringer Straße 6

81679 München

Tel.: +49 89 90 90 165 - 0

Fax: +49 89 260 87 51

Email: gkrh.muenchen@mvep.hr

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:00



Consulate General in Stuttgart

Liebenzeller Straße 5

70372 Stuttgart 

Tel.: +49 711 95 57 10; 95 57 135 

Fax: +49 711 55 60 49 

Email:  gkrhst@mvep.hr

Office hours: Mo., Wed.,Fr. 08:30-12:30; Tue. and Thrs.: 08:30-12:30 and 13:30 -15:30






Embassy of Cuba

Gotlandstr 15

10439 Berlín

Phone: : +49 30 44793 109

Emergency : +49 30 44793091

Email: recepcion-consulado@botschaft-kuba.de

Website: http://www.cubadiplomatica.cu

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 08:30- 11:30; Wed.: 14:00-16:00








Arab Republic of Egypt



Egyptian Embassy

Stauffenbergstraße 6/7

10785 Berlin

Phone: + 030/477 54740 – 030/479 01880

Fax +49 30 4 77 40 00

E-Mail: consularsection@egyptian-embassy.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 10.00 - 14.00


Egyptian General Consulate in Frankfurt

Eysseneckstraße 34

Frankfurt am Main

Email: gen-kons-et-hh@gmx.de

Phone: +49 69 9 55 13 40

Fax: +49 69 5 97 21 31

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.30 - 12.00, 14.00 - 15.00


Egyptian General Consulate in Hamburg

Mittelweg 183

20148 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 4 13 32 60

Fax: +49 40 41 33 26 19

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.30

Email: gen-kons-et-hh@gmx.de



Republic of Equatorial Guinea



Rohlfsstraße 17 – 19

14195 Berlin

phone: +49 (0) 30 88663878

fax: +49 (0) 30 88663879






Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Boothstraße 20 a


Phone: +49 30 77 20 60

Fax: +49 30 77 20 624 or: +49 30 7 72 06 26


Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 -14.00





General Consulate of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Frankfurt

Eschersheimer Landstraße 105-107

60322 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 97 26 96 0

Fax: +49 69 97 26 96 33


Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 17.00



Ethiopian Consulate in Düsseldorf

Kasernenstraße 23

40213 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 211 8 48 00

Fax: +49 211 32 90 00

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 10.00-12.00



Ethiopian Consulate in Munich

Ismaninger Straße 140

81675 München

+49 89 99 89 42 99

+49 80 22 91 78 70

E- Mail: schuerrle@ethiopian-consulate.com

Office hours: Mo. and We. 09.00 - 12.00






Embassy of Georgia

Rauchstr. 11

10787 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 484907 19

Fax: +49 30 484907 20

Emergency: +49 62 88 55 303

e-Mail: berlin.konsulat@mfa.gov.ge

Website: www.geoconsul.gov.ge  

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 18.00



Cunsulate of Georgia in Frankfurt

Bockenheimer Landstraße 97-99

60325 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 699 767 1137

Fax: +49 699 767 1138

Email: frankfurt.con@mfa.gov.ge

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 18.00







Embassy of India,


10785 Berlin

Consular Wing

Tel: +49 30 25795611

Fax: +49 30 25795620

Email: consular@indianembassy.de

Office hours: 09.30 -12.30



Consulate General of India

Graumannsweg 57

22087 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 338036

Fax: +49 40 32 37 57

Email: consular@cgihamburg.de

Website: cgihamburg.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.30 - 12.30



Consulate General of India in Frankfurt

Friedrich Ebert Anlage 26

60325 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 1530050

Fax: +49 69 55412

Emergency: +49 69 1530050

Email: consular@cgifrankfurt.de

Website: www.cgifrankfurt.de

Office hours: 09.30 -17.30


Consulate General of India in Munich

Widenmeyer Straße 15

80538 München

Phone: +49 89 2 10 23 90

Fax: +49 89 21 02 39 70

Email: cgimun02@t-online.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.30







Embassy of the Republic of Iraq

Pacelliallee 19-21

14195 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 81 488 100

Fax: + 49 30 81 488 222

Email: info@iraqiembassy-berlin.de

Website: http://www.iraqiembassy-berlin.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.00



Consulate General of Iraq in Frankfurt

Westendstr. 12

60325 Frankfurt

Phone: +49 69 23807600

Fax: +49 69 2380760151

Email: francon@iraqmfamail.com




Islamic Republic of Iran


Embassy of the Republic of Iran

Podbielskiallee 67

14195 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 843530

Fax: +49 30 84 35 35 35

Email: info@iranbotschaft.de

Website: http://www.iranbotschaft.de

Office hours: 08.30 - 12.30



Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Frankfurt

Raimundstraße 90

60320 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 5 60 00 70 or: +49 69 5 60 740

Fax: +49 69 5 60 00 713 or: +49 69 5 60 00 777

Email: Info@Irangk.de

Website: Irangk.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 12.30



Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hamburg

Bebelallee 18

22299 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 5 14 40 60

Fax: +49 40 5 11 35 11

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 12.30 and 14.30 - 16.30


Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Munich

Mauerkircherstraße 59

81679 München

Phone: +49 89 45 23 96 90

Fax: +49 89 4 52 39 69 56 

Email: info@Irangkm.de

Website: www.irangkm.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 12.30 and 14.30 - 16.00






Embassy of Ireland

Jägerstraße 51

10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 22 07 20

Fax: +49 30 22 07 22 99

Email: berlin@dfa.ie

Website: https://www.dfa.ie/irish-embassy/germany/

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.30 - 12.30, 14.30 - 16.45






Embassy of Iceland

Rauchstraße 1

10787 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 -50 50 40 00

Fax: +49 30 50 50 43 00

Email: icemb.berlin@utn.stjr.is

Website: http://www.botschaft-island.de

Office hours:  Mo. - Fr. 09.00-16.00






Embassy of the State of Israel

Auguste-Viktoria-Straße 74-76

14193 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 89 04 55 30

Fax: +49 30 89 04 5400

Email: botschaft@israel.de

Website: http://www.israel.de

Office hours: Mo. - Do. 09.30 - 12.30; Fr. 09.30 - 11.30



Consulate General of the State of Israel in Munich

Brienner Straße 19

80333 München




Italian Republic


Embassy of the Italian Republic

Hiroshimastr. 1   

10785 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 254400

Fax: +25440169

Email: consolato.berlino@esteri.it

Website: http://www.ambberlino.esteri.it



Consulate General of the Italian Republic in Frankfurt

Kettenhofweg, 1

60325 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 75310

Fax: +49 69 7531104

E-mail: segreteria.francoforte@esteri.it

Website: http://www.consfrancoforte.esteri.it



Consulate General of the Italian Republic in Hanover

Freundallee 27

30173 Hannover

Phone:  +49 511 28379-0

Fax: +49 511 28379-30

E-Mail: segreteria.hannover@esteri.it

Website: http://www.conshannover.esteri.it/Consolato_Hannover



Consulate General of the Italian Republic in Munich

Möhlstraße 3

81675 München

Phone: +49 89 4180030

Fax:+49 89 477999


Website: http://www.consmonacodibaviera.esteri.it



Consulate General of the Italian Republic in Stuttgart

Lenzhalde 46

70192 Stuttgart 

Phone: +49 711 2563-0 

Fax: +49-711-2563-136

E-Mail: consolato.stoccarda@esteri.it

Website: http://www.consstoccarda.esteri.it/Consolato_Stoccarda



Consulate General of the Italian Republic in Dortmund

Goebenstrasse 14

44135 Dortmund

Phone +49 231 57 79 60

Fax +49 231 55 13 79

E-Mail: segreteria.dortmund@esteri.it

Website: http://www.consdortmund.esteri.it




Consulate General of the Italian Republic in Freiburg

Augustinerplatz 2 

D - 79098 - Freiburg 

Telefonnummer der Ämter 

Tel. +49 761 38661 0

Fax +49 761/ 8 661 61 

E-Mail: consolato.friburgo@esteri.it 

Website: http://www.consfriburgo.esteri.it



Consulate General of the Italian Republic in Wolfsburg

Goethestraße 52

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: +49 5361 2 30 77/78

Fax: +49 5361 2 13 58

Email: info.wolfsburg@esteri.it

Website: www.sedi.esteri.it/wolfsburg





Embassy of Japan

Hiroshimastraße 6

10785 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 210 94-0

Fax: + 49 30210 94-222

Email: taishikan-ryoujibu@bo.mofa.go.jp

Website: http://www.de.emb-japan.go.jp

Office hours: Mo-Fr 9:00 - 12:15, 14:00 - 16:30 Uhr



Consulate General In Düsseldorf

Immermannstraße 45

40210 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 211 16 48 20

Fax: +49 211 35 76 50

Email: k2@ds.mofa.go.jp

Website: www.dus.emb-japan.go.jp

Office hours: Mo-Fr 09.00-11.30, 13.30-16.00


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Messe Turm 34 OG, Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49

60327 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 2 38 57 30

Fax: +49 69 23 05 31

Email: zentrale@fu.mofa.go.jp

Website: www.frankfurt.de.emb-japan.go.jp

Offive hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.30; 14.30 - 16.30



Consulate General in Munich

Karl-Scharnagl-Ring 7 (4. OG)

80539 München

Phone: +49 89 4 17 60 40

Fax: 49 89 4 70 57 10

Email: info@mu.mofa.go.jp

Website: www.muenchen.de.emb-japan.go.jp

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 – 12.00, 14.00 - 16.00



Republic of Kazakhstan


Embassy of the Republic of  Kazakhstan

Nordendstraße 14-17, 13156 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 47 007 163

Fax: +49 30 47 007 125

E-Mail: berlin@mfa.kz

Website: http://www.botschaft-kasachstan.de

Office hours: Mo., Tue., Thr., Fr. 09.00-13.00


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Beethovenstraße 17

60325 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: + +49 900 13 40 14 02

Fax: +49 69 97 14 68 18

Email: info.kaz@genconsul.de

Office hours: Mo., Tue., Thr., Fr. 09.00-13.00



Consulate in Munich

Redwitzstraße 4

81925 München

Phone: +49 8171 6 29 91 56 or: +49 8171 6 29 91 57

Fax: +49 8171 6 29 91 57

Email: konsul-muenchen@mfa.kz

Office hours: Mo., Tue., Thr., Fr. 09.00-12.00





Embassy of the State of Qatar in Germany

Hagenstr. 56

14193 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 8620 60

Fax: +49 30 8620 6150

Email: imad.s@embassy-qatar.de

Website: http://botschaft-katar.de

Office hours: Mo.- Fr. 09.00-12.00




Kyrgyz Republic


Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic

Otto-Suhr-Allee 146

10585 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 364 11 860

Fax:      +49 30 34 78 13 37

Mobile: +157 30990238, +49178 740533, +49163 15 99 764

Email: konsulberlin@botschaft-kirgisien.de

Website: http://www.botschaft-kirgisien.de



Consular Department in Bonn

Aennchenstraße 61

53177 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 36 52 30

Fax: + 49 228 36 52 30

Emergency: +49 157 30 99 02 38

Email: bonn@botschaft-kirgisien.de

Office hours: Mo.-Fr.: 09:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:30


Consular Department in Frankfurt:

Brönnerstraße 20

60313 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 95 40 39 26

Fax: +49 69 21 65 89 18

Email: frankfurt@botschaft-kirgisien.de

Office hours: Mo.-Fr.: 09:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:30






Consulate in Berlin

Kurfürstenstraße 84

10787 Berlin

phone: +49 30 26396161/4 

Fax: +49 30 26557054

Email: info@botschaft-kolumbien.de

Website: http://www.botschaft-kolumbien.de

Office hours: Mo.-Fr. 09.30 - 12.30 and 14.30 - 17.00



Consulate General in Frankfurt

Fürstenberger Straße 223

60323 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 9 59 56 70

Fax: +49 69 5 96 20 80

Office hours: Mo.-Fr. 09.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 16.00





Embassy of the Republic of Korea

Stülerstr. 10

10787 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 26065 434

Fax: +49 30 260 65 54

Email: cons-ge@mofa.go.kr

Website: http://deu.mofa.go.kr/

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00



Consulate in Bonn

Godesberger Allee 142-148

53175 Bonn

Phone: +49 2 28-943790

Fax: +49 228 30899579

Email: admin-bn@mofa.go.kr

Website: http://deu-bonn.mofa.go.kr/worldlanguage/europe/deu-bonn/main/index.jsp

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00



Consulate General in Frankfurt

Lyoner Str. 34

60528 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 5600 3986

Fax: +49 69 5600 3986

Email: k-frankfurt@mofa.go.kr

Website: http://deu-frankfurt.mofa.go.kr/worldlanguage/europe/deu-frankfurt/main/index.jsp

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:30


Consulate General in Hamburg


20355 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 650 677 600

Fax: +49 40 650 677 631

Email: gkhamburg@mofa.go.kr

Website: http://deu-hamburg.mofa.go.kr/worldlanguage/europe/deu-hamburg/main/index.jsp

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00


Republic of Kosovo



Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo

Wallstraße 65

10719 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 240 47 69-0

Fax: +49 30 2 40 47 69 29

Email: embassy.germany@rks-gov.net

Website: http://www.ambasada-ks.net/de

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:30 and 13:30-17:00

Consulate General in Munich

Ehrenbreitsteinerstraße 28

80933 München

Phone:  +49 89 15 98 61 720

Fax: +49 89 15 98 61 7219

Email: generalconsulate.munich@rks-gov.net

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:00 and 13:30-16:30



Consulate Frankfurt

Rudolfstraße 13-17

60327 Frankfurt am Main

Phone:  +49 69 27 13 39 20

Fax: +49 69 2 71 33 92 29

Email: consulate.frankfurt@rks-gov.net

Office hours: Mo-Fr. 09:00-12:30 and 13:30-16:30



Consulate Stuttgart

Johannesstraße 47b

70176 Stuttgart

Phone:  +49 711 627 677 0

Fax: +49 711 627 677 29

Email: consulate.stuttgart@ks-gov.net

Office hours: Mo. 10.00 - 13.00 and 14.00 - 16.00; Di. 10.00 - 13.00; Mi. 10.00 - 13.00 und 14.00 - 16.00 (only with appointment); Do. 12.00 - 17.00





Embassy of Kuwait

Griegstrasse 5-7

14193 Berlin

+49 30 897 300 0

+49 30 897 300 10

Website: http://www.kuwait-botschaft.de

Email: info@kuwait-botschaft.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 15.00



Consulate General in Frankfurt am Main

An der Welle 4

60322 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 069-7593 6710

Email: generalkonsulat.ku.ffm@gmail.com









Embassy of the Republic of Latvia

Reinerzstr. 40/41

14193 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0) 30 826 00 2 12

Fax: +49 (0) 30 826 00 244

Emergency: +371 26 33 77 11

Email: consulate.germany@mfa.gov.lv

Website: http://www.mfa.gov.lv/de






Embassy of Lebanon

Berliner Str. 127

13187 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 47 49 86 0

Fax: +49 30 47 48 78 58

Email: info@libanesische-botschaft.de

Website: http://www.libanesische-botschaft.info

Office hours: Mo.-Fr.:08:00- 12:00





Embassy of Libya

Podbielskiallee 42

14195 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 200 596 41

Fax: +49 30 200 596 35

Email: konsulat@libyschebotschaft.de

Website: http://de.libyanembassy.de

Office hours: Mo.and Wed .:09:00- 12:00                                





Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania

Charitéstraße 9

10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 890 68 10

Fax: +49 30 890 681 15

Email: info-botschaft@mfa.lt

Website: http://www.de.mfa.lt/









Embassy of Mongolia

Hausvogteiplatz 14

10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 47480620/21

Fax: +49 3047480616

Website: http://www.botschaft-mongolei.info

Office hours: Mo.-Fr.: 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00





Embassy of Oman

Clayallee 82

14195 Berlin:

Phone: +49 30 810 05 10

Fax: + 49 30 810 051 99

Email: botschaft-oman@t-online.de

Office hours: Mo.-Fr: 10:00- 15:00



Republic of Peru


Ambassy of the Republic of Peru

Mohrenstraße 42

10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 229 14 55

Fax: +49 30 206 410 77

Email:s c-berlin@embaperu.de

Website: www.conperberlin.embaperu.de


Consulate General Hamburg

Blumenstraße 28

22301 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 47 67 45

Fax: +49 40 48 18 54

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 13.00 and  14.00 - 16.00



Consulate General Munich

Herzog-Heinrich-Straße 23

Phone: +49 89 139 288 80

Fax: +49 89 139 288 819 

Email: info@conperumunich.de

Website: www.conperumunich.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 13.00 and  14.00 - 16.30




Consulate General  Frankfurt

Kaiserstraße 74-78

Phone: +49 69 133 09 26

Fax: +49 69 29 57 40

Email: info@conperumunich.de

Website: www.conperumunich.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 14.00






Embassy of Poland

Lassenstraße 19-21

14193 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 22 31 30

Fax: +49 30 22 31 31 55

Email: berlin.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl

Website: http://www.berlin.polemb.net



Consulate General in Hamburg

Gründgensstraße 20

Phone +49 40 611870

Fax: +49 40 6325030

Emergency: +49 178 800 0327

E-mail: hamburg.kg.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl

Office hours: Mo., Wed., Thrs, Fr.: 09:00-14:00; Tue.: 13:00-18:00


Consulate General in Cologne

Im Media Park 5


Phone + 49 221 937300

Fax: +49 221)385074

Emergency: +49 177 3727164

E-mail: kolonia.kg.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl

Office hours: Mo., Wed., Thrs, Fr.: 09:00-14:00; Tue.: 13:00-18:00



Consulate General in Munich

Röntgenstr. 5

Phone + 49 89 4186080

Fax: +49 +49 341) 471318

Emergency: +49  173 370 5828

E-mail: hamburg.kg.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl

Office hours: Mo., Wed., Thrs, Fr.: 09:00-14:00; Tue.: 13:00-18:00






Russia Russian Federation


Embassy of the Russian Federation

Unter den Linden 63-65

10117 Berlin

Phone: 030 / 229 11 10

Fax: 030 / 229 93 97

Email: info@russische-botschaft.de

Website: http://russische-botschaft.de

Office hours: Mo.-Fr.: 09:00-13:00


Consulate General in Bonn

Waldstraße 42

53177 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 386 79 30

Fax: +49 228 31 21 64

Email: info@ruskonsulatbonn.de

Website: http://www.ruskonsulatbonn.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 13.00


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Eschenheimer Anlage 33 – 34

60318 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 596 745 03, +49 69 596 742 31

Fax: +49 69 596 745 05

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 13.00 Uhr


Consulate General in Hamburg

Am Feenteich 20

22085 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 229 52 01, +49 40 229 53 01

Fax: +49 40 229 77 27

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.00


Consulate General

Turmgutstraße 1 – 3

04155 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 585 18 76

Fax: +49 341 564 95 89

Email: rusgenkon_leipzig@t-online.de

Office hours: Mo., Mi. and Fr. 08.00 - 12.00



Consulate General Munich

Turmgutstraße 1 - 3

81675 München

Phone: +49 89 59 25 03

Fax: +49 89 550 38 28

Email: ruskonsmchn@t-online.de

Office hours: Mo., Mi. and Fr. 09.00 - 13.00





Embassy of Romania

Dorotheenstraße 62 - 66

10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 21 23 95 55

Fax: +49 30 2 12 39 199

Email: berlin.cons@mae.ro

Website: http://www.berlin.mae.ro

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.00 - 14.00



Consulate General Bonn

Legionsweg 14

53117 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 6 83 81 11

Fax: +49 228 68 02 47

Website: http://www.konsulat-rumaenien-bonn.de

Mo., Wed., Thrs. and Fr. 08.00 - 14.00; Tue. 13.00 - 19.00



Consulate General Munich

Richard-Strauss-Straße 149

81679 München

Phone: +49 89 55 33 07

Fax: +49 89 55 33 48

Office hours: Mo., Wed., and Fr. 09.00 - 12.00




Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Embassy of the  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

10785 Berlin

Phone: +49 30  8 89 25 00

Fax: +49 30  88 92 51 79

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 16.00


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49, 20. Etage Messeturm

60308 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 768 05 80

Fax: +49 69 768 095 11

Email: fkcon@mofa.gov.sa

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 15.00






Kingdom of Spain



Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain

Lichtensteinallee 1

10787 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 254 00 70

Fax: +49 30 257 995 57v

Email: emb.berlin.inf@maec.es

Website: http://www.spanischebotschaft.de

Office hours: Mo. - Thrs. 09.00 - 17.00 and Fr. 09.00 - 14.00


Consulate General in Düsseldorf

Homberger Straße 16

40474  Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 69 959 16 60

Fax: +49 69 596 47 42

Email: cog.francfort@maec.es

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.00 - 13.00 and Sa. 09.30 - 12.30


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Nibelungenplatz 3

60318 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 959 16 60

Fax: +49 69 596 47 42

Email: cog.francfort@maec.es

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.00 - 13.00 and Sa. 09.30 - 12.30


Consulate General in Hamburg

Mittelweg 37

20148 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 414 64 60

Fax: +49 40 41 74 49

Email: cog.hamburgo@maec.es

Website: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/HAMBURGO/de/Paginas/inicio.aspx

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 13.00


Consulate General in Munich

Oberföhringer Straße 45

81925 Munich

Phone: +49 89 998 47 90

Fax: +49 89 981 02 06

Email: cog.munich@maec.es

Website: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/MUNICH/Deutsch/Paginas/inicio.aspx

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.00 - 13.00 and Sa. 09.30 - 12.00


Consulate General in Stuttgart

Lenzhalde 61

70192 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 997 98 00

Fax: +49 711 226 59 27

Email: cog.stuttgart@maec.es

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30. - 14.00



Czech Republic


Embassy of the Czech Republic

Wilhelmstr. 44

10117 Berlin

Phone: + 49 30 226 38 - 0

Emergency + 49 170 247 99 56

Fax: + 49 30 229 40 33

E-mail: berlin@embassy.mzv.cz

Website: http://www.mzv.cz/berlin


Consulate General in Dresden

Erna Berger-Str.1

 01097 Dresden

Phone: + 49 351 655670

Fax: + 49 351 803 25 00

E-mail: dresden@embassy.mzv.cz

Website www.mzv.cz/dresden

Office hours: Mo., Tue., Wed. und Thrs. 08.30 - 11.00


Consulate General in Munich

Libellenstrasse 1

80939 München

Phone: + 49 89 958 37 232

Fax: + 49 89 950 36 88

E-mail: munich@embassy.mzv.cz

Website: www.mzv.cz/munich

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 – 11.00


Consulate in Düsseldorf

Martin-Luther-Platz 28

40212 Düsseldorf

Phone: + 49 211 56694 239

Fax: + 49 211 56694 229

E-mail: duesseldorf@embassy.mzv.cz






Embassy of Turkey

Tiergartenstr. 19-21

10785 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 27 58 50

Fax: +49 30 275 909 15

Email: http://www.berlin.be.mfa.gov.tr

Website: http://www.berlin.be.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.45 - 12.45 and 13.45 - 17.45


Consulate General in Düsseldorf

Cecilienallee 41

40474 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 211 45 47 80

Fax: +49 211 45 47 822

Email: konsulat.duesseldorf@mfa.gov.tr

Website: dusseldorf.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 12.30



Consulate General in Essen

Am Zehnthof 55

45307 Essen

Phone: + 49 201 84 21 60

Fax:               + 49 201 42 38 67

Email: konsulat.essen@mfa.gov.tr

Website: essen.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 11.30



Consulate General in Frankfurt

Kennedyallee 115-117

60596 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 713 773

Fax: +49 69 713 77 485

Email: konsulat.frankfurt@mfa.gov.tr

Website: frankfurt.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours:



Consulate General in Hamburg

Tesdorpfstrasse 18

20148 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 44 80 33 0

Fax: +49 40 44 52 58

Email: konsulat.hamburg@mfa.gov.tr

Website: hamburg.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 12.00



Consulate General in Mainz

An der Karlsschanze 7

55131 Mainz

Phone: +49 6131 98 26 00, +49 6131 98 260 11

Fax: +49 6131 83 51 19

Email: konsulat.mainz@mfa.gov.tr

Website: http://mainz.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 11.30



Consulate General in Munich

Menzinger Straße 3

80638 München

Phone: +49 89 178 03 10

Fax: +49 89 178 56 60

Email: tcmunihbk@t-online.de

Website: http://www.munih.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 11.00




Consulate General in Münster

Lotharinger Straße 25 – 27

48147 Münster

Phone: +49 251 41 47 00

Fax: +49 251 433 27

Email: munster.bk@mfa.gov.tr, munstertgk@t-online.de, turkcons.munster@mfa.gov.tr

Website: http://munster.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 14.00 - 15.30



Consulate General in Nürnberg

Regensburger Straße 69

90478 Nürnberg

Phone: +49 911 94 67 60

Fax: +49 911 46 89 62

Email: turkcons.nurenberg@mfa.gov.tr

Website: http://www.nurnberg.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 16.30




Consulate General in Stuttgart

Kerner Straße 19 B

70182 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 16 66 70

Fax: +49 711 262 21 02

Email: turkcons.stuttgart@mfa.gov.tr

Website: http://www.stuttgart.bk.mfa.gov.tr

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 12.30






Embassy of Ukraine

Albrechtstraße 26

10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 288 872 14

Fax: 49 30 288 872 19

Email: konsulat@ukrainische-botschaft.de

Website: http://www.mfa.gov.ua/germany

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 08.30 - 13.30 and 14.30 - 18.00



Embassy of Ukraine in Bonn

Rheinhöhenweg 101

53424 Remagen-Oberwinter.

Phone:+ 49 2228 94 18 60

Fax: + 49  2228 94 18 63

Email: emb_de2@mfa.gov.ua

Website: http://botschaftbonn.wordpress.com/

Office hours: Mo.,Wed., Fr. 09.00 - 12.45; Tue. 14.00 - 17.45 Uhr


Consulate General in Hamburg

Mundsburger Damm 1

22087 Hamburg

Phone: + 49 40 229 498 10

Fax: + 49 40 229 498 13

Email: http://hamburg.mfa.gov.ua

Office hours: Mo.,Wed., Fr. 09.00 - 13.00; Tue. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr



Consulate General in Munich

Lessingstrasse 14

80336 München

Phone: +49 89 552 737 12

Fax: +49 89 552 737 55

Email: gkukraine@aol.com; gc_dem@mfa.gov.ua

Office hours: Mo.,Tue., Wed., Fr. 09.00 - 12.45


Consulate General in Frankfurt

Vilbeler Straße 29

60313 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 297 209 20

Fax: +49 69 297 209 29

Email: gc_def@mfa.gov.ua

Office hours: Mo.,Wed., Fr. 09.00 - 12.45; Tue. 14.00 - 17.45 Uhr




United Arab Emirates



Embassy of the  United Arab Emirates

Hiroshimastraße 18 – 20

10785 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 51 65 16

Fax: +49 30 516 519 00

Website: http://www.uae-embassy.ae/Embassies/de/

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 16.00



Embassy of the  United Arab Emirates In Bonn

 Erste Fährgasse 6

53113 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 26 70 70

Fax: +49 228 267 07 14


Consulate General in Munich

Lohengrinstraße 21

81675 München

Phone: +49 89 419 77 0

Fax: +49 89 419 771 77

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.00



United States of America


Embassy of the United States of America

Pariser Platz 2

10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 830 50

Fax: +49 30 830 510 50

Website: http://www.usembassy.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr.  08.30 - 17.30



Embassy of the United States of America In Bonn

Justus-von-Liebig-Straße 18

53121 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 329 274

Fax: +49 228 329 26 85

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.45; Tue. 14.00 - 17.45


Consulate General in Düsseldorf

Willi-Becker-Allee 10

40227 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 211 788 89 27

Fax: +49 211 788 89 36

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 17.00


Consulate General in Hamburg

Alsterufer 27/28

Phone: +49 40 411 711 00

Fax: +49 40 411 711 222

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.00


Consulate General in Leipzig

Wilhelm-Seyfferth-Straße 4

04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 213 840

Fax: +49 341 213 84 75




Consulate General in Munich

Königinstraße 5

80539 München

Phone: +49 89 2 88 80

Fax: +49 89 280 99 98

Office hours: Mo .- Fr. 13.00 - 16.00


Consulate Agency in Bremen

Flughafenallee 18

28199 Bremen

Phone: +49 421 301 58 60

Fax: +49 421 301 58 61

Email: WeiseCA@state.gov

Office hours: Mo., Tue. undThrs. 09.30 - 13.30; Wed. 09.30 - 11.30





Republic of Uzbekistan


Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Perleberger Straße 62

10559 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 39 40 98 0

Fax: +49 30 394 098 62

Email: botschaft@uzbekistan.de

Website: http://www.uzbekistan.de

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 13.00



Consulate General in Frankfurt

Zeppelinallee 31

60325 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 915 011 11 1, +49 69 915 01 110

Fax: +49 69 915 011 115

Email: gk.usbekistan@gmail.com

Website: http://www.gk-usbekistan.de

Office hours: Mo., Tue., Wed. and  Fr. 09.00 – 18.00



United Arab Emirates



Embassy of the  United Arab Emirates

Hiroshimastraße 18 – 20

10785 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 51 65 16

Fax: +49 30 516 519 00

Website: http://www.uae-embassy.ae/Embassies/de/

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 16.00



Embassy of the  United Arab Emirates In Bonn

 Erste Fährgasse 6

53113 Bonn

Phone: +49 228 26 70 70

Fax: +49 228 267 07 14


Consulate General in Munich

Lohengrinstraße 21

81675 München

Phone: +49 89 419 77 0

Fax: +49 89 419 771 77

Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 12.00