University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart
Baden-Württemberg‎ / Stuttgart Region / Stuttgart
“Science for People, People for Science“

“Science for People, People for Science“ is the slogan of Stuttgart University, which was founded in 1829 at the beginning of the industrial age. Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Maybach are two famous students of Stuttgart University. The university feels obliged to truth and adequate technical solutions while focusing on causal relationship to utilization and considering its compatibility to nature and reconcilability with a welfare state.

Thus engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, arts and economics are combined in one profile. Highly valued is the constructive cooperation of the university with the town’s economy, the country, its alliance, Europe and the world. 26.457 young people are enrolled here, 5.223 of them being foreigners.

Main focus lies on natural sciences and engineering. The University of Stuttgart is member of TU9, a group of leading technological universities in Germany.

University builds goal robot

Take a small excursion and find out what students in the institute of automation control engineering and software technology have already developed! Among them are some inventions that have been highly awarded at robot building competitions or formula 1 kind of races.

The goal shooting robot for instance can shot footballs faster than any professional football player. At 140 km/hours the aluminum device can actually play real football and can take part in competitions. The robots developed by the University of Stuttgart were the only ones that could actually get the ball off the ground. See: v=SKG4woiyfjY

At the Formula student competition, participants construct during the time frame of one year a formula racing car according to set rules. Afterwards the teams meet at worldwide competitions. See: / watch? v=sznL30bV2Mc

The University of Stuttgart distinguishes itself by "simulation technology" as well as postgraduate's schools and special fields of research. Ten faculties offer a range of differentiated subjects:

Faculty 1: Architecture and town planning

Faculty 2: Construction and environmental engineering

Faculty 3: Chemistry

Faculty 4: Energy, procedure technology and biotechnology

Faculty 5: Informatics, electrical engineering and information technology

Faculty 6: Aero-space technology

Faculty 7: Construction technology, production technology and vehicle technology

Faculty 8: Mathematics and physics

Faculty 9: Faculty of Philosophy and History

Faculty 10: Economics and social sciences

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Photo: Universität Stuttgart/Cichowicz

University of Stuttgart

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