Passau University
Passau University
Bavaria / County of Ostallgäu
Best known for cultural sciences

Passau University is known for cultural sciences and international partnerships in research. Founded in 1978 today the university is among top rankings. About 10,000 students from over 80 countries are enrolled and do research at the university of Passau. Besides intensive tutoring, students profit from short ways and excellent campus facilities.

Scientists at Passau University dispose of good international connections and thus offer double major degrees in numerous courses. Also language-wise the university offers a lot. In law, economics, cultural science and informatics/mathematics further qualifications are gained by teaching a subject-specific foreign language. Numerous university partnerships provide best possibilities for study exchange. After graduation, prior students can gain soft skills, as for example leadership and communication competence at the „centre for key qualifications on job markets“.

Finally, Passau is idyllically situated in an economically interesting surrounding near Vienna, Munich and Prague. On account of a manageable amount of students close supervision is possible.

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Passau University

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