Once as rich as a fairy tale prince...

Gera is a town in East Thuringia. With app. 95,000 inhabitants Gera is the third biggest town in Thuringia. It lies in the east Thuringian hill country at river White Elster.

During its period of glory Gera was, thanks to its fabric and clothing industry, one of the richest towns in Germany. Today over 100 villas testify to these glorious times. The centre of the city is still the market with the baroque well Simonsbrunnen, the town‘s pharmacy and the city hall. Gera forest is the biggest coherent city forest among all towns in Thuringia.

In the district of Debschwitz is situated the Gera zoo, the biggest forest animal park in East Thuringia. On an area of 20 hectares live more than 500 animals and 80 species. A special attraction is the walk-in monkey enclosure. A small railway carries visitors the distance of 800 metres from the entrance of the park to the wolf enclosure.

The Hofwiesenpark is quite close to the centre and has all former summer baths incorporated. Other urban green parks offer many possibilities to relax and rest.

Among sports, cycling is particularly favoured in Gera. Throughout the year several races take place in Gera which attracts many people even from outside the city. Cycling sports in Gera has a long tradition. But also horse-riding is something Gera is famous for. The German dressage and show jumping championships have already been staged four times in Gera.

Gera’s airport is centre for parachuting. In 2006 the world championship took place here.


The cabaret Fettnäpfchen directly under the city hall is famous in the city.

Every year in March the Gera Ballet Days take place. On the last weekend of April the Hofwiesen Festival is celebrated. Afterwards in September follows the Dahlia Party and in October the Autumn Fair. At the end of the year Gera has a wonderful fairy tale market as Gera’s Christmas Fair is called. But there are still much more seasonal festivals that are held in the town.

Between December and the middle of February the ice rink with 900 square metres can be used for skating.

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Photo: Marienkirche, Science photo/Shutterstock

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