Hesse / Rhein-Main Region17.06.2014Look behind the curtains of Germany‘s oldest cider producer.
How does cider actually get into a pitcher? That’s the question the guided tour by Fruit Pressing Plant Höhl in Hochstadt answers while giving you the opportunity to take a look behind the curtains of Germany’s oldest cider production facility. On this tour you’ll find out interesting facts about the production of this Hessian speciality and the history of the plant. In addition you may try many different kinds of this cult drink.
The tour lasts about two hours and costs 15 Euros including test drinking, snacks, a six-pack Z grape and a surprise. Meeting place is at 18:15 o'clock at the reception of plant Höhl. Dates for 2014 are: 18th of July, 16th of September, 26th of September, 10th of October and 14th of November.
30.06.201620.10.2016 – 05.03.2017
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