Language Courses Hannover
Language Courses Hannover
Lower Saxony
Here the purest German is being spoken

Lower Saxony is Germany‘s second largest federal state. The biggest one is Bavaria. Capital of Lower Saxony is Hannover which is most of all known for speaking the best German. One is for sure; in Lower Saxony you can learn the perfect German!

Institute of Languages and Communication

Learning a language is always a creative dialogue between understanding and comprehension. For everybody who wants to not only to learn but to experience the German language the Institute of Languages and Communication (ISK) will be the perfect place. ISK does offer courses for migrants who want to pass citizenship and integration tests, courses for companies, individual trainings and lessons for professional qualification. ISK closely works together with QM-active, InFa and FaMi. All those are focusing on making working life for migrants in Germany easier. Courses begin every month. 10 percent discount is granted if a second or more courses are taken.


deuko Hannover

Deuko linguistic school is specialized on individual education. It is possible to take all courses from beginners (A1) to professional (C1) according to the common European authoritative frame (GER). Especially interesting is this school because it offers economic German as well. Thus you can improve your German, get coached in writing, especially to authorities, and discuss social and political issues. Linguistic school deuko offers an individual teaching programme which can be adapted according to your needs and temporal availability.


FOKUS Linguistic School of Hannover

The linguistic school FOKUS in Hannover offers courses for everybody, old and young regardless of culture and mother tongue. Even courses for children are offered, who still can easily learn a language without any grammar merely by listening. For elder students Fokus offers a great variety of languages. From Arabic to Japanese and also business German, German for professional forces or companies are all available. Furthermore, Fokus gives intercultural trainings. This is of special interest for Germans who await a business partner from China for instance or even for students who come to Germany and are surprised about some things.


Photo: Maksim Shmeljov/Shutterstock

Language Courses Hannover

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